Monday, February 22, 2010

Here I Am - Why Do We Say That - and other curious discoveries

** In our daily tutor times I'm constantly tested in my own English when Eliana and Douglas ask questions forcing me to think!
"Do you use 'prefer' or 'rather' in a sentence?  Which is correct and how are they used?"
Thus, began a conversation of examples: "I prefer to have a coke rather than a Pepsi."  Or, "Which would you prefer, a pizza or a hamburger?  I would rather have a hamburger."
So, as we went throughout the day, we began to listen and hear different uses of these words, and discuss with others how they would define the uses.
Have you ever thought of how you use your English in detail?  Can you think of other proper uses and explanations of just these two words???
By Friday, my brain was tired from the humidity and the constant listening of imperfect English!  I felt bad when I couldn't listen well enough to help with some of these challenging, but engaging discussions!
Yet, today, Douglas (pronounced Doo-glus) is working hard preparing for his sharing of devotions at tomorrow's class in English.  I understand more about his questions!  He has been preparing for this talk!  He will share on being the salt of the earth.  He's doing a great job!  I'm eager to hear his final draft tomorrow morning.
** Laura, who is a young missionary woman working in Bolivia, is here helping with our tutoring.  She usually sits next to me during our class sessions to whisper translations as Spanish is used during class.  One day, as she was whispering to me, I heard her say something in English.  But, what was more surprising to us both, was that she didn't realize she was speaking English and nor did I!!!  We broke out with giggles!
** We have been blessed, in my opinion, with rain!  When it rains, it cools down - although before it rains, the humidity rises.  Even so, Dawn and I believe God has made this possible just for us!  With the rain, though, comes power shut offs.  The city power is turned off, including internet.  Sometimes it goes off for a few minutes, sometimes it has been off for nearly an hour.  An inconvenience that is normal around here.
** I've heard about auto traffic in other countries, and have also heard it's best experienced to understand what people are talking about!  It certainly is an experience! 
There are traffic lanes, but it seems no one knows why they are there!  You have bicyclists meandering on the highway, as cars weave in and out around them.  Suddenly, a horse and carriage pop into the scheme of things and your brain is confused.  The horse and cart are the "scavengers", poor population that collects the garbage and other items people want to throw out.
** Time is short, so I will have to post again another day!!

1 comment:

  1. Sandi, what a blessing to read of your adventures and to know that this is the first time so far from home. I know this won't be the last time for you. English the only language I speak, now I have to pay attention to what I am saying, wow. How many of us speak properly? Praying dear friend and know that you are being blessed as well as blessing others.
