Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Gift of the Vow

On her wedding day -
adding the finishing touches to her vows

We just saw the movie The Vow

The film is based on the true story of a young married couple involved in a serious car accident which left the wife in a coma for weeks - only to awaken with some memory loss - that loss included no memory of her husband.

The audience is immediately drawn into the dilemma of this couple's struggle through something they never anticipated - that is, do they live out their marriage vows, or abandon them?  The wife clearly does not remember anything about this man who claims to be married to her.  For him, she is not the woman he knew just a few weeks earlier.

As we struggle along with the characters, we are pressed to consider what we would do should we find ourselves in a similar situation.

All too common we hear the reasoning to "move on" or, "it's too hard, it's not worth dragging this thing on."  Common-sense would tell us that...right?

What is a Vow?
A vow is a binding promise.  It is often related to the marriage vows...."to love and cherish, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer, for better or worse....till death do us part."

In Ephesians 5:31 it says this:
Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother
and hold fast to his wife
and the two shall become one flesh."

" hold fast..."  also means " cleave..." 
.... which means: to adhere closely; stick; cling; unwavering; to remain faithful

Think of two pieces of wood glued together with superglue.  When you try pulling the pieces apart there is tearing and fracture.  Some pieces are left attached to the other - fragmented, splintered and scarred.

So, when we hear the wedding vows.....

This film is one couple's story .... against all odds .... 

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