Monday, February 15, 2010

Here I Am - Are You Excited?

Before I left for Argentina, questions came: “Are you excited?” “How wonderful you get to travel with your daughter!” “Are you nervous?” “What will you do while there?” I really couldn’t give these and other questions much thought. I was too busy completing tasks, and quite frankly, I really couldn’t wrap my brain around the fact I would be leaving the U.S. for the first time!

We flew into Dallas for a 5 hour layover. When we boarded again for Santiago, Chile, I grinned and said to Heather, “Frodo, this next step will be the furthest I’ve ever bēēn from the Shiar.” And what a wonderfully big step it is.

Today begins the first day of the English Village. Last night there was a feast and celebration for us, the Tutors, and the coming of the students to this important part of the program. I was reminded again why I’m here. Latin America has been reached for the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. But, now, they have a burning heart to “Go and make disciples of all the nations….” [Matt. 28: 19,20]. As the Director, Juan, prayed, he thanked God for those who have come to help his people make this happen. Not only giving English speaking skills, but to build relationships and to encourage from another culture and life experience.

Because English has become a universal language, I find myself humbled to be one who can give this special gift to others by giving them the skills that equip them to learn this ‘foreign’ language. God could have planted me anywhere else in the world, but here I am – an English speaking American. I am part of a bigger picture for those who are going places I most likely will never see or experience. How can I express this any better?

This experience is also very relational. I have already “interviewed” a few students and my joy is to know each one better in the days ahead.

I’m excited.


  1. Great Blogging. Glad you're having a good experience.

    Dennis Miller

  2. How wonderful! May you, Heather, Juan and every participant in this work of our Lord receive the fullness of the blessings in the presence of our Lord and may you see God's glory. Thank you for allowing us to be partakers and follow you "around". :)
    2 Thessalonians 3:18

  3. sounds so good mom. I'm glad you're enjoying it, and excited. :)
