Friday, July 16, 2010

A Phone Call

My eldest son called today.  I always love it when he calls because he lives a bit of a distance away - in Montana.  
Montana life agrees with Eric.  Since his early teens the mountains have been a draw to him.  It may have "caught" when his dad took him to Peru at the age of 10. 
The idea of jungle life struck him as an adventure with beetles the size of his hand, or boa constrictors slithering under the house, or even the piranhas swimming under the water's surface in the Amazon.  Later, at age 11, the Boy Scouts introduced Eric to campfires and mountain hikes.  His first backpack experience at age 13 took him up Goat Rocks in Washington.  This had him literally trembling with fear.  It was here when the Scout Master discovered Eric had a strong fear of heights.  But, undeterred and despite his fears, this maiden voyage was a success.  Eric never looked back, he was eagerly anticipating the next adventure.

Those early days spurred Eric as a growing young man toward even more "manly" adventures - intensive training as a PJ (para-rescue) in the Air Force; falling from airplanes at heights of 13,000 feet, or, being forced to endure extended underwater training while enduring other intensive military training.  Later, Eric would journey alone on a 50 mile trek in the Jefferson wilderness area. He loved to snow board on Mt. Hood and would go camping whenever he could get away.  Even with all that Oregon has to offer, this couldn't satisfy Eric's restlessness.  So, with a sentimental goodbye from his family, our eldest son set his sights for the mountains of Montana.

It's taken a bit of time for the city boy to learn a few of the ropes while living through long winters, freezing in a camping trailer, to cooking for a bar & grill in small town Dayton. He also had to learn how small town folk live, work and relate to each other, and that life in the mountains is much different than the fast pace of the city. "Watch for deer" is heard in most small towns when setting out on country roads.  After two encounters with deer on the road, Eric learned the hard way that deer can total a vehicle!  So, watching for deer developed a new meaning for Eric.  Learning from the experts, he had his first successful hunting experience in the mountains of Montana - from tracking, bagging and curing to the table!

So, my son phoned today. He has a new buddy - Jack - a chocolate Lab.  I think it looks like my son is becoming more settled in Montana.  Somehow a dog makes it seem so - permanent. I miss Eric and often wish he could be here with us.  He says he'll bring Jack next time he comes to visit.  I can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. Harley is soo cute. I can tell you miss Eric, but I am glad he is doing well in Montana. I hope you, my friend, are doing well too. I miss seeing you.
